Find your informationist by name or the department in which you work. If you are not sure which informationist you should contact or if you have any questions about working with an informationist, please contact Beth Whipple, Associate Director of Informationist Services of The Welch Medical Library, at
Informationists offer a variety of professional tailored services, including individual and group consultations, searching-from general reference and evidence-based precision, to full-scale systematic review participation; citation management; curriculum, classroom and online instruction; and collaborations on grants and research projects from beginning to end, as they evolve.
Informationists are experts at navigating the publishing landscape to respond to complex requests related to research impact, scholarly output and dissemination.
By partnering with users of information and developing subject expertise in a variety of areas, informationists have co-authored numerous publications with faculty, and continue to provide instructional sessions at professional conferences, domestically and internationally, to deliver information service excellence.