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How do I use ORCID?


Use ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) to associate a scholar with their scholarly works.

Manage ORCID accounts by associating the ORCID with proprietary identifiers (Ex: Scopus, ResearcherID) and by keeping publication information (and other scholarly works information) up to date. Scholars and designated trusted individuals can manage accounts.

ORCID users benefit from efficient, cross-platform identification and disambiguation, improved discoverability, and an up-to-date scholarly record.

What is ORCID?

An ORCID is a persistent, unique identifier used to discover and disambiguate scholars' identities in key research workflows, including manuscript and grant submission.  

ORCID's service provides a unique digital identifier in a framework that supports automated linkages between an individual and their professional activities, ensuring that the scholar's work is recognized.

Welch Library recommends Johns Hopkins researchers obtain an ORCID.

Create an ORCID Account

Create an ORCID account using the Johns Hopkins ORCID Registry:

Once ORCID is linked, access ORCID record to update profile information, including educational history, work history and funding.

Add Works from Databases

ORCID provides workflows in order to simplify the linking of researchers with their works.  Welch Library recommends to use the ORCID ‘Search and Link’ wizards in order to add works by direct import from other systems. See Help Topics in the JH ORCID Registry for recommended settings. 

Add Works Manually

Once you set up these workflows, if you have publications that are not yet added, select Add works and Add manually. This is how works that are not listed in databases are typically added. Conference abstracts and books are commonly added.

Once your ORCID is created, you can include it when you submit articles for publication. To use ORCID to update your NIH Biosketch, you can edit your Mini Profile in SciENcv and include your ORCID ID under Optional Information. If you have updated your education and employment sections in ORCID, it will automatically import those as well.