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How do I save PubMed searches?


Save a PubMed search by following these steps:

  1. Run a search in PubMed. (Example: Enter "phototherapy diabetic neuropathy" in the search box and click "Search")
  2. From the results screen, click on the "Create alert" link below the search box.
  3. If not already signed into My NCBI, a prompt will appear.
  4. In the saved search screen, select your options. 
  5. Select updates frequency, the format of the e-mail and the records, and the number of items preferred included in the message. The e-mail will include a link that presents the total update results in PubMed.
  6. Once selections are made, click Save.

This search will now be included on the list of Saved Searches in My NCBI.

Discontinue or disable saved search email alerts

See NIH: Running Saves Searches and Manually Updating a Search to discontinue or disable email alerts.

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