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How do I get PubMed references into a citation manager?


Get PubMed References into a Citation Management Software

Follow these steps to export records from PubMed:

  1. Select a record in PubMed
  2. Select and choose the 'Send to' pull down menu
  3. Select 'File'
  4. Under 'Format' select 'Medline'
  5. Select 'Create File'
  6. Save the file as .txt
  7. Open citation management software (Ex: EndNote, RefWorks, or Reference Manager)
  8. Select 'File Import'
  9. Choose the saved PubMed .txt file
  10. From the import option pull down menu, select the 'PubMed NLM import' filter
  11. Select 'Import'

Watch Video: Importing Records from PubMed into EndNote